(Day / Month / Year)



1. (Retailer's Registered Company Name & Store Address.)


2. J. B. Lynch

Retail Business Consultant


3: The Store Owner wishes to appoint J. B. Lynch as Retail Business Consultant.


4: J. B. Lynch services include proved ways of studying your business in a private way which outlines ways in which to upgrade the sales, financial profitability, buyer number enlargement, proper types of advertising, new low cost wholesale suppliers, in-store sales promotions, recruitment and training of new sales staff. All information about you and your firm are strictly secret not allowed to anybody.


5: Secret / Mystery Shoppers will call into your place of business as regular customers and report back to J. B. Lynch with pages of answered questions about just what it is like to visit the store, your sales staff, displays, prices, labeling, sales tags, what like of customers in there and would they want to shop there all the time.


6: J. B. Lynch will investigate all your local competitors, investigating what sells for them, their wholesale suppliers, selling prices and what kind of business they are and what would bring buyers to you instead of them.


7: J. B. Lynch has been in the business for many years as a major adviser to retail companies ranging from Macy's and Bloomingdale's department store chains and tiny family shops of all kinds all over the United States and in the Republic of Ireland working with every type of products you can think of including foods, clothing, jewelery, hardware, gardening, sportswear, computers, cars, chemicals, antiques, gifts, furniture, chemists, pets, airlines, shipping, etc.


8: J. B. Lynch's copyrighted In-Store Sales Promotions means that a top class manufacturer will fill your place with special goods we know to be ideal for retail sale at no cost to you. Items sell at retail and you keep the profit only giving the manufacturer its wholesale price at the end of the sale. J. B. Lynch organizes and manages the event for a small fee.


9: Retailer in his/her relationship with J. B. Lynch shall at all times act dutifully and in good faith. Provide J. B. Lynch with all the support reasonably required to enable him to properly and satisfactorily perform his obligations.


10: Retailer agrees to prepay J. B. Lynch an initial refundable retainer ( US$ - UK€ ) at time of signing.11: Retailer agrees to limit any and all liability or claim for damages, for cost of defence or for any expenses to be levied against J. B. Lynch to a sum not to exceed ( $100 - €100 ) or the amount of J. B. Lynch's fee whichever is less when such a claim arises from any error, omission or professional negligence on the part of J. B. Lynch or his staff.


For further information please email any questions you may have and receive an answer in privacy within 24 hours free of charge.


