Manufacturers using our services can have their products export distributed across waste territories of the United States, British Isles, Canada & Australia using very well established distributors to deliver their products to a vast collection of retailers on wholesale prices which are collected fully on delivery.The way distributors operate depends on the type of product you produce. Products on sale using our Distributors are now a wide range.These Distributors own and operate their own trucks designed to carry the products and cover rather wide territories in which they are well known. This means there is no costs what so ever to you, all is done on sales commission only.
Many smart manufacturers have supplied the distributors with samples of their products which are presented to the ideal retailers already selling that type of goods which 9 out of 10 times means a new profitable outlet for this brand of goods.
What do you need to know to be a success ?
1. Are you getting free advice on what to produce to meet the market ?
2. Is there a market at all for your present brand of products ?
3. Are you charging too high a wholesale price becaus you wait for payments ?
4. Have you successful sales reps wholesale marketing your goods ?
5. Is your sales staff costing you a fortune in payment, expenses, insurance, etc. ?
6. What precentage of your wholesale sales is paid within 7 weeks of delivery ?
Those are only a few of what you need to know if you want to be a successful wholesale exporter in these times of financial problems worldwide. The answer is to avail of the services of our firm and you can get all kinds of answers to your problems and any questions you have free of charge by contacting our head office by emailing: